Prostatitis Symptoms and Causes
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in most cases due to an infection. Nearly 2 million men suffering from prostatitis see urology doctors in the United States alone.
The prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland positioned below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is an essential part of the male reproductive system. Its main function is to produce seminal fluid that helps to transfer sperm through the urethra.
Important Facts to Know about Prostatitis –
About ten to twelve percent of men experience the symptoms of prostatitis at some point in life.
Prostatitis is the common prostate gland problem in men under 50.
Prostatitis can be a chronic condition or an acute illness.
Symptoms of Prostatitis –
Here are the main symptoms of prostate gland infection:
Painful urination
The sudden urge to urinate
Frequent urination
Painful ejaculation
Lower back pain
Perineal pain
Muscular pain
Lack of energy
Main Causes of Prostatitis –
Only a small number of cases are passed on through sex. Typically, the prostate becomes infected by the bacteria that may get into the prostate from the urethra by backward flow of infected urine into the prostate, or rectum.
Certain conditions and medical procedures increase the risk of developing prostatitis, such as:
Recent bladder infection,
Urinary catheter (a soft, lubricated tube used to drain urine from the bladder), inserted during a medical procedure,
rectal intercourse,
Abnormal urinary tract,
Enlarged prostate, a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or
Autoimmune disease (an abnormal reaction of the body to the prostate tissue).
Conclusion –
If you need more information about prostate infection and the natural way to remedy this major medical problem in adult males, please visit